Mastering Dependency Injection in .NET 6

As software applications grow in complexity, managing dependencies becomes more challenging. Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern that addresses this problem by decoupling components and improving the maintainability and testability of code. In .NET 6, Dependency Injection is baked into the framework, making it easier than ever for developers to implement this best practice in their applications.

In this article, we’ll explore the fundamentals of Dependency Injection, understand how it’s implemented in .NET 6, and learn how to master its use in real-world applications.

What is Dependency Injection?

Dependency Injection is a technique in which an object (or service) receives its dependencies from an external source, rather than creating them internally. This design pattern promotes loose coupling between components, making the system easier to modify, test, and extend.

In simple terms, instead of a class creating its own dependencies (objects it interacts with), they are "injected" into the class. This way, the class doesn't depend on the concrete implementation of the dependencies, but on abstractions or interfaces.

Key Benefits of Dependency Injection

  • Loose Coupling: Components are less dependent on the specific implementations of their dependencies, making it easier to swap them out when needed.
  • Testability: By injecting mock dependencies during testing, it’s easier to isolate and test components.
  • Maintainability: Dependency Injection simplifies code maintenance by separating concerns. You can focus on the functionality of individual components without worrying about their dependencies.

How Dependency Injection Works in .NET 6

In .NET 6, Dependency Injection is built into the framework. ASP.NET Core, Blazor, and many other .NET-based applications rely heavily on DI to inject services into controllers, classes, and other components.

The Three DI Lifetimes

.NET 6 supports three types of lifetimes for services, determining how and when the dependencies are created and disposed of:

  1. Singleton: A single instance of the service is created and shared across the entire application’s lifetime. This is useful for services that maintain state throughout the app, like logging services or configuration handlers.

    services.AddSingleton<IMyService, MyService>();
  2. Scoped: A new instance of the service is created per request. In web applications, this means a new instance is created for each HTTP request. This is ideal for services that are tied to the lifecycle of a request, such as database context classes.

    services.AddScoped<IMyService, MyService>();
  3. Transient: A new instance of the service is created each time it’s requested. This is suitable for lightweight, stateless services where each use requires a fresh instance.

    services.AddTransient<IMyService, MyService>();

Understanding the appropriate lifetime for your services is crucial for efficient resource management and application performance.

Setting Up Dependency Injection in .NET 6

Let’s walk through the basic setup of Dependency Injection in a .NET 6 application.

Step 1: Define the Service and Interface

First, create an interface and a corresponding service that implements it. For this example, let’s create a simple logging service.

public interface ILoggerService
    void Log(string message);

public class LoggerService : ILoggerService
    public void Log(string message)
        Console.WriteLine($"Log: {message}");

Here, ILoggerService is the interface, and LoggerService is the concrete implementation that logs messages to the console.

Step 2: Register the Service in the Dependency Injection Container

In .NET 6, services are registered in the Program.cs file (which replaces Startup.cs from earlier versions). You register your services by adding them to the DI container using the AddSingleton, AddScoped, or AddTransient methods, depending on the service lifetime you need.

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Register the LoggerService as a singleton
builder.Services.AddSingleton<ILoggerService, LoggerService>();

var app = builder.Build();

In this case, LoggerService is registered as a singleton, meaning only one instance will be created and reused across the application.

Step 3: Inject the Service into Your Components

Once the service is registered, you can inject it into any class or controller by using constructor injection. For example, let’s inject the ILoggerService into a controller:

public class HomeController : Controller
    private readonly ILoggerService _logger;

    // Inject ILoggerService via constructor
    public HomeController(ILoggerService logger)
        _logger = logger;

    public IActionResult Index()
        _logger.Log("Handling Index action");
        return View();

In this example, the HomeController class receives an instance of ILoggerService via its constructor. The DI container automatically resolves this dependency and injects the registered LoggerService instance when the controller is instantiated.

Advanced Dependency Injection Techniques

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into some more advanced Dependency Injection techniques in .NET 6.

1. Injecting Multiple Implementations of the Same Interface

Sometimes, you may need to register and inject multiple implementations of the same interface. For example, you might have different logging services that log to different destinations (e.g., console, file, or a database).

To handle this, you can register multiple implementations and use named services or keyed services to resolve them at runtime.

builder.Services.AddTransient<ILoggerService, ConsoleLoggerService>();
builder.Services.AddTransient<ILoggerService, FileLoggerService>();

To inject all implementations, you can inject an IEnumerable of the service type:

public class HomeController : Controller
    private readonly IEnumerable<ILoggerService> _loggers;

    public HomeController(IEnumerable<ILoggerService> loggers)
        _loggers = loggers;

    public IActionResult Index()
        foreach (var logger in _loggers)
            logger.Log("Handling Index action");
        return View();

2. Injecting Services in Middleware

In ASP.NET Core applications, middleware components often require services to handle specific logic. You can inject services directly into your custom middleware by passing them as parameters in the constructor.

public class RequestLoggingMiddleware
    private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
    private readonly ILoggerService _logger;

    public RequestLoggingMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, ILoggerService logger)
        _next = next;
        _logger = logger;

    public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
        _logger.Log("Handling request");
        await _next(context); // Call the next middleware in the pipeline

To use the middleware in your app, add it to the middleware pipeline in Program.cs:


3. Constructor Injection vs Method Injection

Constructor injection is the most common form of Dependency Injection, but there are other options, such as method injection and property injection.

  • Constructor Injection: Dependencies are injected via the constructor, which is the preferred and most widely used approach.
  • Method Injection: Dependencies are passed to a specific method when they are needed, offering more flexibility.

    public IActionResult Index([FromServices] ILoggerService logger)
        logger.Log("Handling Index action");
        return View();

    In this example, the ILoggerService is injected directly into the Index action method using [FromServices], which allows you to inject services only when needed.

4. Scoped Services in Middleware

If you’re using scoped services (services that are created once per request), injecting them into middleware requires special handling because middleware components are typically singleton services. To use scoped services in middleware, you can request a scope from the IServiceProvider:

public class ScopedMiddleware
    private readonly RequestDelegate _next;

    public ScopedMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
        _next = next;

    public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        using (var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope())
            var scopedService = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IMyScopedService>();
            // Use the scoped service here

        await _next(context);

Testing with Dependency Injection

One of the major advantages of Dependency Injection is that it makes unit testing much easier. Since dependencies are injected into your classes, you can easily mock them during testing.

Here’s an example of unit testing a controller that uses DI:

public class HomeControllerTests
    public void Index_ShouldLogMessage()
        // Arrange
        var mockLogger = new Mock<ILoggerService>();
        var controller = new HomeController(mockLogger.Object);

        // Act
        var result = controller.Index();

        // Assert
        mockLogger.Verify(l => l.Log("Handling Index action"), Times.Once);

By using a mocking framework like Moq, you can mock the behavior of the ILoggerService and verify that the Log method is called when the Index action is invoked.


Dependency Injection is a fundamental design pattern in .NET 6 that enables developers to write more modular, testable, and maintainable code. By mastering DI, you can

build applications that are easier to scale, adapt, and debug.

From basic service registration to advanced techniques like injecting multiple implementations or using scoped services in middleware, .NET 6 provides a robust and flexible DI framework that meets the needs of modern web development. Understanding and applying DI principles effectively will significantly improve the architecture and quality of your applications.
