How to Set Up Azure DevOps Pipelines for .NET 6 Projects

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) are becoming increasingly crucial for delivering high-quality software quickly and efficiently in today's jet age development era. Azure DevOps provides a comprehensive suite of tools that facilitate CI/CD for various types of projects, including .NET 6 applications. This article will guide you through setting up Azure DevOps pipelines to automate the build, test, and deployment processes for your .NET 6 projects.

Why Use Azure DevOps for .NET 6 Projects?

Azure DevOps offers a robust set of features tailored for modern software development:

  • Integrated Tools: Azure DevOps provides everything from version control to project management, build automation, and deployment in one place .
  • Support for Multiple Languages and Platforms: While it excels with .NET applications, Azure DevOps supports various programming languages and platforms .
  • Scalability: Azure DevOps can accommodate projects of any size, from small startups to large enterprises .
  • Rich Ecosystem: Integrate with popular tools like GitHub, Slack, and more for a seamless workflow .


Before setting up Azure DevOps pipelines for your .NET 6 projects, ensure you have the following:

  1. Azure DevOps Account: If you don't already have one, sign up for a free Azure DevOps account at
  2. .NET 6 SDK: Ensure the .NET 6 SDK is installed locally. You can download it from the official .NET website.
  3. Source Code Repository: Your .NET 6 project should be stored in a source code repository, such as Azure Repos or GitHub .

Step 1: Create a New Azure DevOps Project

  1. Log in to Azure DevOps: Go to and log in to your account.
  2. Create a New Project:
    • Click on New Project.
    • Enter your project name, description, and visibility (private or public).
    • Click Create.

Step 2: Set Up Your Repository

If your .NET 6 project is not already in Azure Repos or GitHub, you can import your code:

  1. Navigate to Repos:
    • In your Azure DevOps project, click on Repos from the left sidebar.
  2. Import Repository:
    • If you're using Azure Repos, you can directly create a new repository and push your code.
    • If using GitHub, you can connect your GitHub account to Azure DevOps and select the repository.

Step 3: Create a Build Pipeline

A build pipeline automates the process of compiling your code, running tests, and creating artifacts.

  1. Go to Pipelines:
    • In your Azure DevOps project, click on Pipelines from the left sidebar.
  2. Create Pipeline:
    • Click on New Pipeline.
    • Choose the source where your code is stored (e.g., Azure Repos or GitHub).
  3. Select a Template:
    • Azure DevOps provides various templates. For .NET 6 projects, choose ASP.NET Core.
  4. Configure Your Pipeline:

    The YAML file that defines your pipeline will open in the editor. By default, it might look something like this:

          - main
      vmImage: 'windows-latest'
      - task: UseDotNet@2
          packageType: 'sdk'
          version: '6.x'
          installationPath: $(Agent.ToolsDirectory)/dotnet
      - script: dotnet build --configuration Release
        displayName: 'Build Project'
      - script: dotnet test --no-restore --verbosity normal
        displayName: 'Run Tests'
      - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
          PathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
          ArtifactName: 'drop'
          publishLocation: 'Container'

    This YAML file does the following:

    • Triggers the pipeline on changes to the main branch.
    • Uses a Windows virtual machine image.
    • Installs the .NET 6 SDK.
    • Builds the project in Release mode.
    • Runs the tests.
    • Publishes the build artifacts.
  5. Save and Run:
    • Click Save and run. This will trigger the pipeline for the first time, allowing you to monitor the build process.

Step 4: Create a Release Pipeline

Once your build pipeline is set up, the next step is to create a release pipeline that deploys your application.

  1. Go to Releases:
    • Click on Pipelines in the left sidebar, then select Releases.
  2. Create Release Pipeline:
    • Click on New and select New Release Pipeline.
  3. Select a Template:
    • Choose the Empty Job template.
  4. Add Artifact:
    • Click on Add an artifact and select the build pipeline you created earlier. This connects the release pipeline to the artifacts produced by the build.
  5. Add Stages:
    • Click on the + to add a stage (e.g., Development, Staging, Production).
    • In the stage, click on Tasks to configure deployment steps.

Example: Deploying to Azure App Service

If you're deploying to Azure App Service, follow these steps:

  1. Add Azure App Service Deploy Task:
    • Click on the + icon in your stage, search for Azure App Service Deploy, and add it.
  2. Configure the Task:
    • Choose your Azure subscription andHere's the continuation and completion of the HTML translation for the article **"How to Set Up Azure DevOps Pipelines for .NET 6 Projects"** with sources and citations provided in footnotes: ```html
    • App Service name.
    • Select the package or folder to deploy (use the artifact published from the build pipeline).
  3. Save and Create Release:
    • Click on Save.
    • Click on Create Release, choose the artifact version, and deploy.

Step 5: Monitor Your Pipelines

Once your pipelines are set up and running, you can monitor their progress:

  • Build Pipeline: Click on Pipelines to see the status of your builds. You can view logs and details for each build.
  • Release Pipeline: Click on Releases to track the status of your deployments. View logs for each stage to ensure everything is working as expected.


Setting up Azure DevOps pipelines for your .NET 6 projects automates the build and deployment process, helping you deliver high-quality software faster and more efficiently. With Azure DevOps, you can leverage powerful CI/CD tools to streamline your development workflow.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can confidently set up your Azure DevOps pipelines and take full advantage of the benefits that come with Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. Start your journey towards more efficient software development with Azure DevOps today!
